
Hi, I’m a creator

What are your plans this week?

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Let's party!

The week between Christmas & New Year's may feel like the "No Man's Land" part of the calendar.

You might find yourself rewatching old holiday movies, eating too much, wondering which day it is and if you missed yoga, all while googling various ways to use leftover ham. Please know that I am right there with you.

But also, we have some fun planned for Wednesday & Thursday this week. How does a well rounded yoga class, deep rest, a free garden yoga class, hand crafted gift exchange, and a vision boarding session with Hand Craft Yoga sound?

I know I'm a little biased, but it sounds like the perfect way to close out 2022 to me.

What's a vision board?!

A vision board is a collage of images, words & affirmations that support a goal/state of mind, designed to motivate and inspire you when you look at it. Here are some examples of what it could look like:

Just a reminder...

There will be no classes today, Tuesday Dec 27.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec 28, we will have Noon class, with a 30 minute guided rest afterwards. For just $5, melt away tension and seasonal stress with deep relaxation at Yoga Nidra. If you plan to join me from 1 to 1:30 pm, click the button below:

Also tomorrow, Wednesday Dec 28, we have a FREE garden class at 5:30 pm followed by a white elephant gift exchange wine down at Spring Creek Garden Center! I'd love to see each of us bring something handcrafted/under $10...No stress, just a lighthearted way to share our creativity, giggles, and a glass of wine/beer. Can you come party with me?

On Thursday, December 29, our official last practice of 2022 will be the Time Travel Experience from Noon to 2pm. If you are feeling the "last week of the year blues", then this workshop is a MUST! Clarify your intention for the new year and move into 2023 with a vision. Save your spot for the last event of the year by clicking below:

Even if you don't make it out of your house during this "no man's land" week, remember that a little yoga is better than no yoga. Just 5 minutes of intentional breath and gentle stretching can go a long way!

Wherever you find yourself this week, may you have a smile on your face, a light in your heart, and a snack in your hand.

Cheers to 2023!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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