
Hi, I’m a creator

A note about seeds and fruit

Published 23 days ago • 2 min read

I've been reflecting...

Every so often, I take a walk through the garden of my mind to check on the plants I've been growing. I enjoy revisiting my old journals, newsletters, and notepads to refresh my memory on the ideas I was trying to cultivate.

Today, I read a newsletter from last April where I announced plans for upcoming retreats. Just for fun, stroll down memory lane with me... I copied and pasted the content below:

"I have officially planted the seed for 2 big ideas:

First, a 3-4 day (long weekend) journey in September. This one will be "semi-local", with a 1-3 hour drive/plane ride to get us there(possibly Texas/New Mexico/Arizona). We'll combine yoga, relaxation & fun in nature on this trip. More details will be released very soon about this upcoming adventure.

Secondly, a week-long international trek to Central America is in the works for the early part of 2024. I'll be cohosting this trip with Kathy (you may know her as a fellow yogi, handcrafter, and full-time fashionista)! This journey will be a grand mix of yoga, shopping, nature & amazing food, all wrapped up into one amazing experience.

I will share more about these opportunities soon. I'm looking forward to bringing them to fruition with you!"

Y'all...we did it! I got chills when I read these summaries because the retreats were EXACTLY as described. This fruit is so juicy, and I am so grateful that I got to share it with so many of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And yes, to answer your impending question, more retreats are in the works! If you'd like to be included and want to give some input, please reply to my survey by clicking the button below:

Another note about seeds & fruits

In the spirit of a garden metaphor, I invite you to join me for class at an actual garden: Plant a seed to come to yoga and bear the fruit by showing up Wednesday for an all-level yoga class at Spring Creek Garden Center from 5:30 to 6:25 pm!

We will be there rain or shine, either out on the lawn or inside the Gathering Haus. Let me know that you plan to come this week by clicking the button below:

Believe it or not, there is one more note about seeds & fruit

If you've been reading "How Yoga Works" for the past 5 weeks, you get it😉. I'm excited that this week is the official meeting for Winnie's Book Club! Last week I asked who wants to bring snacks (if you missed that and are interested, click here).

This week, I want to know... are you planning to come to the official snack and chat for "How Yoga Works" this Thursday, April 11 from 12 to 1:45 pm? If so, please click the button below:

Just a reminder

Our once-a-month Saturday class is coming up on April 13th! Come on over this Saturday morning for an all-level Yoga class from 9:30 to 10:30 am at Hand Craft Yoga.

Remember, everyone's first class is free at the studio! So grab a friend and bring them along to meet Winnie the Poodle. Let us know you're coming by clicking the button below:

I look forward to feeling the afterglow with you soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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