
Hi, I’m a creator

A rare event

Published 30 days ago • 5 min read

Is happening at the studio this week

Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR water lily flowers are in the process of blooming in our studio pond right now. One opened today, and the others are not far behind. Do you think that all four will be open at the same time?

If you want to see this rare phenomenon, be sure to come to a class at the studio this week! Just in case you need a refresher, here is what we have on the schedule at 4800 US HWY 281 N, Spring Branch, TX:


2 - 3:15 pm: Yoga Immersion
Take a deep dive into yoga practice with Moni. Prepare to balance effort and ease in this "level 2" class.

5:30 - 6:15 pm: Stretch & Release
A great compliment to other exercises, this session is designed to stretch muscles and release tension. Everybody needs this class!


Noon - 1 pm: Yoga Basics
A well-rounded mixed-level class to help you build a strong foundation.

7 - 8:15 pm: Yoga Immersion
Take a deep dive into yoga practice with Moni. Prepare to balance effort and ease in this "level 2" class.


2 - 3 pm: Yoga
Start slow and build a groove with this yoga practice designed to uplift and refresh those mid-day blues.

5:30 - 6:30 pm: Slow Yoga
Enjoy a slow and restful practice to release tension and unwind. This class utilizes props to help the body surrender.

Another note about the schedule

Just in case you missed this announcement last week, please note that our once-a-month Saturday class will be on April 13th(not April 6th). As the heart of Texas prepares to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event, the hill country is forecasted to be packed with travelers looking to have a totality awesome view of the solar eclipse.

It is with this in mind that I've decided to cancel our Noon class on Monday, April 8th. Maybe you can change up your routine and join me for our evening class instead? Plan to come on over for Yoga Basics from 7 to 7:45 pm on 4/8/24.

One more thing to schedule

Have you been reading How Yoga Works? Are you planning to come to the official snack and chat book club meeting on Thursday, April 11th from 12 to 1:45 pm?

If you answered yes to both of those questions, I have one more question for you. Do you feel inspired, willing, and able to bring a snack contribution to the gathering? If so, please click the button below to let us know what you're planning to bring.

It's time for a spotlight!

I am excited to introduce Hand Craft Yoga’s April Student Spotlight…Jen L! She is so consistent in the way she honors her body in her practice. I have really enjoyed getting to know Jen, especially during our first lakeside retreat last September. Please read on for her insights:

What is your favorite part of yoga?

My favorite part of yoga is that it is a way to slow down both my mind and body and really be focused in the moment, which is so important in this busy world. It is also so flexible (no, not in the bend your body backward way), but in the way that yoga can mean many different things to many different people and each time you practice you can make it what you want - intense or relaxing, short or long, focused on one part of the body, or your whole body. Your choice. After all, Monica always lets us know that we can handcraft our yoga to be wherever we are at that day.

How long have you been practicing (in general / with Monica)?

I have been practicing yoga since I was a young mom (about age 26) as a way to stay in shape while staying home with my kids. I believe it was on a VHS tape with Denise Austin! Wow, have I aged myself? Yes, I have, and if you add another 26 years, that is how long I have been practicing altogether. It seems it has always been a part of my life. I have taken many different classes with many different teachers and styles (including Forrest Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Viniyoga, Kundalini, etc.). I even took a couple of different yoga teacher trainings, but for now I have decided I like being a student. I have been practicing with Monica for a little over 2 years now, and I love that I found her. During all my yoga experience, I know that some teachers are a fit for me and some definitely are not. The first time I came into Monica’s class I knew that it was my next yoga home after moving here to Texas. Her classes are always non-judgmental, relaxing, and fun, and I love the way she incorporates an easy and friendly style into her studio.

What is something yoga has helped you overcome?

There are a couple of things yoga has helped me to overcome: 1. When I was 45 I found out that I have a heart arrhythmia disorder. It can cause my heart rate to jump up to around 200 beats per minute in seemingly random moments. Because medication did not help, I decided to try to overcome this naturally, and yoga was definitely a big part of that. It was a saving grace to keep me grounded and to slow my breathing and heart rate down and eliminate stress when I would have episodes.
2. As many of you may have noticed for yourself, sometimes practicing yoga can bring up some emotions. When my dad had a stroke and eventually passed away, I found yoga helped me work through and overcome the grief I was feeling by practicing a certain routine each night that reminded me of my dad. It was a way I could really let go and just be with whatever came up without judgment.

Do you have any words of advice for a brand-new beginner?

Advice I have for a brand-new beginner would be to never be too hard on yourself. It is enough that you show up to class and are there for yourself. If you are wanting to be able to do some poses better, remember it is not a competition, so don’t look to the mirror or your neighbor, just sense into how it feels in your body. You will know when it feels right, and it is okay if that takes 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 years, or even never. It is the journey that is the juicy part of yoga.

What is one fun fact that we may not know about you?

A fun fact about me is that I not only like to handcraft my yoga, but also like to handcraft many quilts. I never learned to sew as a kid (my mom hated it and my dad got the sewing machine in the divorce!), but after I was married my sister-in-law talked me into taking a quilting class with her at a local community college, and I was hooked. Since then I’ve made probably around 30 quilts for my family and friends over the years. Maybe someday I will make one for myself!

Thank you for sharing your practice with us, Jen! And thanks for letting me share this surprise picture of you and Julieta from our lakeside yoga retreat 😉:

Just in case this picture made you think, "Wow, it would be so fun to do yoga on a beautiful lawn like that", the good news is: You can! Come to yoga at Spring Creek Garden Center this Wednesday at 5:30 pm.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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