Hello, gourd-geous😏

So long, summer!

Can you be-leaf it’s already almost fall? This Sunday, Sept 22, is the second time of the year that daytime and darkness are equal. This “Autumnal Equinox” marks the point at which nighttime gradually starts to outlast the day as we enter fall and move toward the darker seasons.

In the spirit of the seasonal shift, practice finding your Equinox Breath. Slowly and patiently allow your breath to calibrate to equal part inhale, equal part exhale. Consider counting to stay focused.

Inhale and welcome natural change. Exhale and release what no longer serves you. Practice for five rounds of breath, allowing the last exhale to be a little longer than the rest.

The Only Constant is Change

While we are welcoming natural changes with easeful breath, let me remind you that this Thursday's classes are canceled since I'll be heading out to Lake LBJ to host our 3rd overnight yoga retreat!

I've also decided to cancel the 7 pm class this Wednesday, 9/17. But don't worry! We will still have classes at the studio on Wednesday at Noon and at Spring Creek Garden Center on Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Join me if you can!

Let me know you're coming to the garden center by clicking the button below:

Another small change

Last week, I announced our next book club meeting for "The Labrador Pact." We have changed the meeting date, and it will now be on Thursday, October 3, from 12 to 1:45 pm. Mark your calendars and plan to join Winnie for her book club!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

With love,


P.S. If you missed the boat on the Lake LBJ retreat but are ready to plan a getaway, consider joining us at the Handcrafting Yoga Retreat Dec 5-8 in Dripping Springs. There are still a few spots left. Click here for more information!

Hi, I’m a creator

Read more from Hi, I’m a creator

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One week left to sign up! Picture this... you've just eaten a delicious, homemade meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after. You've done yoga without having to go anywhere. You have plans to do a little shopping later. There is no laundry to worry about. Now imagine yourself sitting at one of these workstations, happily crafting away with me and an easy-to-follow tutorial. A band of merrymakers surrounds you. This could be you on December 5 - 8! The early bird discount...