Where were you 3 years ago?

I was writing my first Hand Craft Yoga Newsletter!

Here's a throwback to that moment on this day three years ago:

The subject line was "Where were you 10 years ago?"

"I was deciding to become a yoga teacher. After a life-changing family vacation, I embarked on a year of self-study beginning September 2011, and by the end of 2012, I had enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training. The first official classes I got to teach were in April of 2013.

After an estimated 2,350 hours of teaching, another 300 hours of teacher training and many hours of workshops, retreats, and continued education, I find myself in September of 2021. Ten whole years later, I am more eager than ever to share my practice with you."

Update to September 2024:

Over these last 3 years, I've added another 1200 hours of teaching classes and workshops, taken several continued education courses, attended a few retreats, and led my first two overnight retreats (with two more on the way!). It is safe to say that it is still true that I am as eager as ever to share my practice with you. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me!

It is so cool...

We might be able to do yoga outside! How do you feel about practicing yoga on the lawn at Spring Creek Garden Center this week? This Wednesday, maybe we'll decide it's safe to have our class outside again!

Would you like to join us? This Wednesday, 9/11 at Spring Creek Garden Center from 5:30 to 6:25 pm, enjoy an all-levels yoga class at the hill country oasis. Click the button below to RSVP:

Do you want to join Winnie's Book Club?

Doggonit, she has done it again! This month, we will read "The Labrador Pact" by Matt Haig. If you've been waiting for a book narrated by a dog, now is the time to dive in!

This audiobook is currently available for free to members of Audible.

If you want to join our book club, read the book! And save the date for the snack and chat to discuss "The Labrador Pact" on Thursday, September 26th, from Noon to 1:45 pm. I'm looking forward to hearing what Winnie has to say about it.

And just a heads up...

There will be no classes at the studio next Thursday, 9/19. I'll be heading to Lake LBJ for Hand Craft Yoga's overnight retreat! We will miss you!!

Thank you again for letting me share my practice (and my newsletter!) with you. That first email went out to just 92 of you. Since then, around 300 more have joined the list. Cheers to dedication, growth, and many more newsletters!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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One week left to sign up! Picture this... you've just eaten a delicious, homemade meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after. You've done yoga without having to go anywhere. You have plans to do a little shopping later. There is no laundry to worry about. Now imagine yourself sitting at one of these workstations, happily crafting away with me and an easy-to-follow tutorial. A band of merrymakers surrounds you. This could be you on December 5 - 8! The early bird discount...