One day... or Day one?

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!

This quote by Arthur Ashe is one of my favorites. As it turns out, five years ago, I posted a blog on the topic. I have shared it before, and I'll share it again!

“You can’t get there from here” is the punch line to one of my grandfather’s favorite stories from his younger days. **SPOILER ALERT… You can get there!**

For a great photo of my grandfather and a quick read on the topic of “How to Get There”, check out the blog by clicking HERE.

How about another inspiring quote?

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.” -Stephen McCranie

We all start somewhere. And sometimes, we just need a little push support in the right direction.

Perhaps you have found yourself longing for the “one day” to find the time/energy/will to try that new thing. Well, today, I challenge you to lean into finding “day one.” Whatever it is!

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Just a friendly reminder...Yoga gives us a chance to practice all of those things! Each session reminds us to accept ourselves as we are today. To honor our bodies and listen to our breath. To just keep coming back to the breath.

Little by little, we start to listen, practice, and learn without expectations, judgments, or comparisons. This mindset allows us to remember that growth is a journey. "All that matters is that you do it for you."

As a wise woman once said...

And she happens to be Hand Craft Yoga’s September Student Spotlight: Debbie B! I am honored that Debbie let me feature her in the spotlight this month. Read on for her thoughtful insights:

"Hi, this is Debbie Beasley! Back in 2021, my friend Cindy and I decided we were going to do yoga! Now, 3 1/2 years later, we are doing yoga! I love it.
My favorite part about yoga is that it's so welcoming and accepting of everyone.... all that matters is that you do it for you. Also, it reminds me to breathe. Breathing is another favorite part of yoga for the fact that it helps with my anxiety and also calms my mind.
My advice for a brand new beginner would be studying and learning with one yoga teacher can be very beneficial. They get to know you and can offer you the appropriate tools that will help you individually. By the way, Monica at Hand-Craft Yoga is the BEST!
Because of my determination and Monica's guidance, I was able to overcome a full knee replacement by slowly adding yoga back into my exercise program six weeks after surgery!
In February (4 months after surgery) I traveled to Guatemala on a yoga retreat with Monica, Kathy, and Allen. What a blessing! It was a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks again to all that provided me a much needed arm or hand to grab for assistance with the stairs, boats, etc.
Thank you Monica...I like your big heart, your love and dedication to teach us yoga and for being such an inspirational teacher. I have really enjoyed learning yoga with you and have felt a much-needed positive shift in my life."

Thank you for sharing your practice with us, Debbie!

This Saturday!

It's time for our once-a-month Saturday morning class! Come to the studio for yoga from 9:30 to 10:30 am, and a sound bath with Cherie from 10:30 to 11:30 am.

I have to share some testimony here. Before Cherie came into my life, I hadn't experienced a "regular" sound bath practice. So, every time I was in one, I tried to listen and stay attentive to each sound that came through. While my body was in a relaxed position, my brain was very much trying to "figure it out."

Since I've attended Cherie's once-a-month sound bath, I have noticed a significant shift in my experience. These last two times, I have gone completely elsewhere. I think I was still present (though I might have been the one softly snoring in the corner, lol), but when I "came to", I sensed that I was coming out of a very deep heaviness. Like I had had a massage and a hot bath. As I try to explain it, I find that I really can't. Not all things can be put into words... *sighs*.

Maybe you are like me; the first time you came to sound bath, you treated it like a concert. Like, "I don't want to miss anything, so I'm going to pay attention." I challenge you to come again and to release that tension. Give yourself permission to let go and feel what happens.

It's this Saturday. Sign up for yoga here, or just show up for the sound bath. Hope to see you there!

As always, thanks for reading. I look forward to seeing you soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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