It's not too late to be an early bird!

One week left to sign up!

Picture this... you've just eaten a delicious, homemade meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after. You've done yoga without having to go anywhere. You have plans to do a little shopping later. There is no laundry to worry about.

Now imagine yourself sitting at one of these workstations, happily crafting away with me and an easy-to-follow tutorial. A band of merrymakers surrounds you.

This could be you on December 5 - 8! The early bird discount for the Handcrafting Yoga Retreat ends September 3rd. Sign up now to save! Get more information or register by clicking the button below:

Or you (and your bestie) could be lakeside this September...

There are now two spots open for the upcoming retreat at Lake LBJ. If you and your bestie were talking about getting away together--this is your sign to make it happen! To learn more or register, click the button below:

Plan to have a drink with me🍷

This Wednesday, 8/28, come on out and enjoy Happy Hour Yoga at Spring Creek Garden Center from 5:30 to 6:25 pm.

Most of the time, I head back to the studio for our 7 pm class. But this week, I'll be sticking around for a drink after class at the garden center.

Yes, that means we have to cancel the 7 pm class this week (8/28), but hopefully, you can join me for happy hour instead. Let me know if you are coming by clicking the button below:

It's almost time for Winnie's Book Club...

Have you been reading "The Ten Thousand Doors of January"? I'm excited that this week is the official meeting for Winnie's Book Club! Last week, I asked who wants to bring snacks (if you missed that and are interested, click here).

This week, I want to know... are you planning to come to the official snack and chat for "The Ten Thousand Doors of January" this Thursday, August 29, from 12 to 1:45 pm? If so, please click the picture below:

Please note

In observance of Labor Day, the studio will be closed on Monday, September 2nd. We will be back to our regular schedule on Tuesday, September 3rd!

Our once-a-month Saturday morning yoga class will be on Sept 7...Mark your calendar and tell a friend. I hope to see you there!

One last note...

It's not too late to vote! Hand Craft Yoga Studio was nominated for the 2024 Best of Bulverde/Spring Branch Awards, and voting ends this week, on August 30th.

There are several categories and a bunch of awesome businesses listed. Check it out and give your favorites some love! While you're at it, vote for Hand Craft Yoga!

Thanks for all of your support. I look forward to seeing you soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

Read more from Hi, I’m a creator

I was writing my first Hand Craft Yoga Newsletter! Here's a throwback to that moment on this day three years ago: The subject line was "Where were you 10 years ago?" "I was deciding to become a yoga teacher. After a life-changing family vacation, I embarked on a year of self-study beginning September 2011, and by the end of 2012, I had enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training. The first official classes I got to teach were in April of 2013. After an estimated 2,350 hours of teaching, another...

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can! This quote by Arthur Ashe is one of my favorites. As it turns out, five years ago, I posted a blog on the topic. I have shared it before, and I'll share it again! “You can’t get there from here” is the punch line to one of my grandfather’s favorite stories from his younger days. **SPOILER ALERT… You can get there!** For a great photo of my grandfather and a quick read on the topic of “How to Get There”, check out the blog by clicking...

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? In honor of summer days, I thought I'd share one of my favorite poems: "The Summer Day." The wise words from Mary Oliver get me every time: Tell me, until you read this poem, did you realize that grasshoppers move their jaws back and forth instead of up and down? I sure didn't. Maybe your one wild and precious life will lead you to a yoga retreat... There's one spot left! Registration for our September yoga retreat...