I have a question for you

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

In honor of summer days, I thought I'd share one of my favorite poems: "The Summer Day." The wise words from Mary Oliver get me every time:

Tell me, until you read this poem, did you realize that grasshoppers move their jaws back and forth instead of up and down? I sure didn't.

Maybe your one wild and precious life will lead you to a yoga retreat...

There's one spot left!

Registration for our September yoga retreat filled up in the first week! Unfortunately, someone who had planned to come can no longer make it. So, there is now an open spot for YOU!

You're invited to play, reflect, and explore at our overnight retreat this September! Indulge in the bliss of a yoga retreat while basking in the natural beauty of Lake LBJ as our tranquil home base.

There is nothing like a morning cup of coffee overlooking a serene lake (except perhaps an afternoon glass of wine overlooking said lake 😉). You’ll have time for both during our 3-night stay just over an hour north of Spring Branch.

To learn about our dates, itinerary, pricing, and registration information, click the button below:

Another option...

If you miss the boat on the Lake LBJ retreat, don't worry! You have another opportunity to get away with the Handcrafting Yoga Retreat. We still have a few spots open for our trip to Dripping Springs this December.

Take some time for yourself this holiday season, and get ready to be inspired. Enjoy the process of creating eight handmade gifts during our three-night stay just 45 minutes north of Spring Branch.

In this retreat, suitable for all skill levels, we'll explore several types of crafting and have time to enjoy some shopping, relaxation, and, of course, yoga! To learn more, click the button below:

Winnie's Book Club meeting is coming up...

Have you been reading "The Ten Thousand Doors of January"? Are you planning to attend the official snack and chat book club meeting on Thursday, August 29th, from 12 to 1:45 pm?

If you answered yes to both questions, I have one more question for you. Do you feel inspired, willing, and able to contribute a snack to the gathering? If so, please click the button below to let us know what you're planning to bring:

No 5:30 pm class this Thursday 8/22

I apologize for the inconvenience, but this Thursday's Slow Yoga class (5:30 to 6:30 pm) is canceled. I hope you can still carve out some time to slow down and take it easy! Maybe you can schedule a massage or something?

And let's not forget about yoga at the garden center...

I would love for you to join us this Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:25 pm at Spring Creek Garden Center, inside the Gathering Haus (read: air conditioning!!) for a mixed-level yoga class.

Let us know that you can make it by clicking the button below:

Now, get out there and do what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.

I look forward to seeing you in class soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

Read more from Hi, I’m a creator

I was writing my first Hand Craft Yoga Newsletter! Here's a throwback to that moment on this day three years ago: The subject line was "Where were you 10 years ago?" "I was deciding to become a yoga teacher. After a life-changing family vacation, I embarked on a year of self-study beginning September 2011, and by the end of 2012, I had enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training. The first official classes I got to teach were in April of 2013. After an estimated 2,350 hours of teaching, another...

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can! This quote by Arthur Ashe is one of my favorites. As it turns out, five years ago, I posted a blog on the topic. I have shared it before, and I'll share it again! “You can’t get there from here” is the punch line to one of my grandfather’s favorite stories from his younger days. **SPOILER ALERT… You can get there!** For a great photo of my grandfather and a quick read on the topic of “How to Get There”, check out the blog by clicking...

One week left to sign up! Picture this... you've just eaten a delicious, homemade meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after. You've done yoga without having to go anywhere. You have plans to do a little shopping later. There is no laundry to worry about. Now imagine yourself sitting at one of these workstations, happily crafting away with me and an easy-to-follow tutorial. A band of merrymakers surrounds you. This could be you on December 5 - 8! The early bird discount...