'Tis the season

...to celebrate Christmas in July!

For over a decade, we have hosted a holiday food drive to benefit Provisions Bulverde Food Pantry. It was brought to my attention (thanks, Jenni!) that they have recently issued a call for help stocking its shelves. Read their post below:

Good afternoon, friends! The past 6 months have been CRAZY BUSY for us! For example, just this last week (we are only open 3 days a week), we provided groceries to 174 families in need!! 174 families! That's what it's been like for us for the last several months, and it doesn't seem to be diminishing! Wow!! We are so blessed to be able to help these families during a time of need. But we can't do it without your help. We are currently in need of some KEY items for our shelves: TOILET PAPER, CANNED CORN, JELLY, CANNED SOUP (other than tomato). If you are inclined to donate a few of these items, we would be very grateful! We have an amazon wish list--these items are the top 4 on the list. Any and all help is appreciated! Thank you so much!!

If you have Amazon Prime, you can use their wishlist, and it will ship directly to them. If not, you can bring supplies to the studio for me to deliver to them on August 1st, or I can use my Amazon account to acquire your items, and we can run your card through the studio. Click the button below to view the Amazon wishlist:

If you're called to contribute, please do so! Feel free to reply directly to this email if you need help. I'd love to help you help our community!!

Do you want to join Winnie's Book Club?

She has officially selected our next book! This month, we will read "The Ten Thousand Doors of January" by Alix E. Harrow. If you've been waiting for a fantasy novel, now is the time to dive in!

A review from another author says, "A gorgeous, aching love letter to stories, storytellers, and the doors they lead us through...absolutely enchanting."

If you want to join the book club, read the book! And save the date for the snack and chat to discuss "The Ten Thousand Doors of January" on Thursday, August 29th, from Noon to 1:45 pm.

Maybe you'll read it on your vacation from the studio...

This is a reminder that Hand Craft Yoga will be closed next week! There will be no classes from Monday, July 22nd, through Thursday, July 25th. We will resume our regular schedule on Monday, July 29th!

What are you doing this Wednesday?

With three chances to practice, I hope your answer includes YOGA! Come to the studio for Yoga Basics at Noon or Yoga Immersion at 7 pm.

Or, perhaps your schedule is open for happy hour yoga at Spring Creek Garden Center? If so, come on over to the Gathering Haus for an all-levels, air-conditioned class from 5:30 to 6:25 p.m.

Let me know you're coming to Spring Creek Gardens by clicking the button below:

Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. They make our community a better place. Thank you for being a part of Hand Craft Yoga.

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

Read more from Hi, I’m a creator

I was writing my first Hand Craft Yoga Newsletter! Here's a throwback to that moment on this day three years ago: The subject line was "Where were you 10 years ago?" "I was deciding to become a yoga teacher. After a life-changing family vacation, I embarked on a year of self-study beginning September 2011, and by the end of 2012, I had enrolled in a 200-hour teacher training. The first official classes I got to teach were in April of 2013. After an estimated 2,350 hours of teaching, another...

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can! This quote by Arthur Ashe is one of my favorites. As it turns out, five years ago, I posted a blog on the topic. I have shared it before, and I'll share it again! “You can’t get there from here” is the punch line to one of my grandfather’s favorite stories from his younger days. **SPOILER ALERT… You can get there!** For a great photo of my grandfather and a quick read on the topic of “How to Get There”, check out the blog by clicking...

One week left to sign up! Picture this... you've just eaten a delicious, homemade meal that you didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after. You've done yoga without having to go anywhere. You have plans to do a little shopping later. There is no laundry to worry about. Now imagine yourself sitting at one of these workstations, happily crafting away with me and an easy-to-follow tutorial. A band of merrymakers surrounds you. This could be you on December 5 - 8! The early bird discount...