Winnie's number one fan

For those who have asked...

"Where's Winnie?" when you don't see her at the door... there is a *really* good chance she is hanging out with her number one fan, feeling the wind in her hair. Check her out below, putting the "dog" in dog days of summer:

May I introduce

Our July student spotlight... Jenni B! I appreciate the way she takes her practice off the mat and into those critical moments in life when we really need it. I also love that she has shared her practice with her family by bringing her son and her dad to our studio!

Read on for her thoughtful insights:

There are many facets of yoga I’ve come to enjoy in the year I’ve been taking Monica’s classes.

The first is time devoted to the body and its wellness. I’ve always been an active person - playing sports and participating in dance when I was younger. However, as I got older, the demands of being a mom, wife, and job as a software engineer seemed to whittle away at any time I had for physical activity. Making yoga a priority and part of my routine allows me to set aside time of thoughtfulness and reconnection to the body that allows me take on all the things I love! Whether I go to a class or spend 15 minutes on my mat at home, I always feel a sense of peacefulness and improved mobility afterward.

The second thing I love about Hand Craft Yoga specifically has been a wonderful sense of connection to my fellow yogis. I’ve deeply enjoyed getting to know many of you!

Lastly, I feel like yoga is a practice that can be shared with friends and family of all ages and activity levels. I’ve brought my 76-year-old father, my high school-aged son, and multiple friends to HCY classes. Earlier this year, I shared breathing techniques we learned in class with my mother during her illness. I’ve since used it to help cope with her passing in March and with processing my family’s upcoming move to Houston. The benefits are immeasurable and I’m so appreciative I found this wonderful outlet.

As far as advice to a beginner, do it! You have this one body and this one life. Take some time to nourish your body and soul - you’ve more than earned it. Add yoga to your routine, you’ll be so glad you did!

Thanks for sharing your practice with us, Jenni!

Winnie's Book Club meeting is coming up...

Have you been reading "A Stolen Life"? Are you planning to attend the official snack and chat book club meeting on Thursday, July 11th, from 12 to 1:45 pm?

If you answered yes to both questions, I have one more question for you. Do you feel inspired, willing, and able to contribute a snack to the gathering? If so, please click the button below to let us know what you're planning to bring:

Just a few reminders:

Please mark your calendars: The studio will be closed this Wednesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 4. There will be no class at the garden center this week.

Also, the studio will be closed from Monday, July 22, to Thursday, July 25. There will be no classes at the studio or the garden center that week.

As always, thanks for your flexibility and understanding.

Not this Saturday, but next:

Don't miss our special once-a-month Saturday yoga class on Saturday, July 13, from 9:30 to 10:30 am. This one will be followed by a rejuvenating Sound Bath with Cherie from 10:30 to 11:30 am!

Enjoy your week. I look forward to seeing you soon!

With love,


Hi, I’m a creator

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